
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Temptation is everywhere!!

It's a rainy Saturday afternoon, and here's the scenario:  I'm blogging and proofreading my previous post before publishing.  The Monetize ad thingy at the right is flashing with an ad for shoes!  I'm a shoe girl people and I have to tell you that I couldn't believe my eyes at these beautiful shoes from "Shoe Dazzle".  Don't go there if you are at all tempted.  Gorgeous, albeit impractical shoes everywhere!  I think it's a shoe know where you give them your size, etc. and they mail you shoes monthly.  Move over Amelda!

I confess I have a fabric habit like that called "Sweet Treats" which I usually do for a few months each year.  It's been a very hard and stressful last couple of months and I love the treat of opening the mail to see what gorgeous bundle of fat quarters (a quilter's term) they have sent me this month.  I have to add that I use these to make baby quilts for our little darling new arrivals at Church so I consider this to be charitable work.  Justification at its finest!

I digress.

My point is:  temptation is everywhere!...whether it's in the grocery store (I don't shop hungry), online shoe ads or fabric ads.  It takes strong resolve not to cave and buy, buy, buy.  I didn't even think twice about joining that shoe club in case you were wondering.  I'd have a LOT of explaining to do and a bunch of fingers wagging in my face.  I also must mention that I did exercise self-control just for the sake of reducing debt. It wasn't just the fear of wrath from the family and fellow war-on-debt army members.  I know I did the right thing.  The point here is to say to out people!  You never know where that minefield is going to pop up.  You could be innocently blogging then 'bang'...there it is!  Stay strong friends!

Now I must go and think about whether or not I can really justify my 'sweet treat' fabric program.  I think I know the answer but for today I'm going to go and fondle my fabric and dream about a quilt for a new baby in our congregation.  What a great feeling!

Oh yeah...and then I'll go and peel those potatoes for dinner tonight which was supposed to be the topic of this blog.  Forgive my rabbit trail dear readers.

Until next time,


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